appears to have returned to Chennai empty handed.

Replying to a question whether she was open to the idea of alliance with the Congress in case the DMK pulled out, Tamil Nadu, the chief minister had this to say “I cannot answer hypothetical questions it is premature to comment on such questions. No one from the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) has asked me this”.
The question arises why UPA should seek her support since the coalition government at centre quite stable. Ms Jayalalitha must also remember that the UPA will be completing first half of the second term in a few months time.

Moreover, there is no vacancy in the UPA. This also means that door for re-entry for Jayalalitha to national politics has been shut, at least for now. But, then, in politics nothing can be taken for granted. Yes, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi was gracious enough to congratulate her immediately after the Assembly elections much to the annoyance of her friend and stable ally-Dr Karnuanidhi. This time around Sonia Gandhi deputed Sheila Dixit to call on her.

This is a clear message to say that lets keep the channel of communication open. One should not forget that not long ago, Jayalalitha had launched personal attack on Sonia Gandhi.  Sonia Gandhi’s brand of power politics is entirely different. As head of grand old party, she does not believe in dumping reliable ally like the DMK-a strong pillar of the UPA now and then.

Jayalalitha is at her best when she goes on the offensive. She went after her old foe- the home minister P Chidamabaram.  “He has played a fraud on the Nation. He has not won the election. His position in the cabinet was untenable. He should resign”, she said adding that he was never elected to parliament in 2009.  Hitting back, Chidambaram said:”She always had utter contempt for court proceedings and hence her statement is not all surprising… she would say that election result was also fraudulent.”

He pointed out that Rajakannappan of her party also contested the Assembly elections last month and lost from one of the Assembly segments under his parliamentary constituency- Sivaganga. “Perhaps, she would say that election result was also fraudulent” Mr Chidambaram shot back.