NEW DELHI: Accusing the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) and its sister organisations for being involved in acts of terror, the Congress party on Tuesday pledged that the party would forcefully resist all attempts to polarise the society on the communal lines. 

The AIICC statement said that the ‘recent revelations through detailed investigations have exposed the true character of RSS and its sister organisations. The investigations indicate the involvement of its members in terrorist activities.’ 

While justifying the inclusion of references to the RSS, senior congress leader Pranab Mukherjee said, "The RSS organisation is to be exposed. Their links with terrorist activities which have been recently highlighted through the revelations are to be brought in." 

Earlier addressing the first AICC session after she was elected as President of the party for the fourth time here, Sonia Gandhi said that her party would continue its fight against all types of communalism and fanaticism to ‘uphold the secular fabric of the country’. 

She also made it clear that that the Judgment of the Allahbad High Court on Ram Janam Bhumi- Babri Masjid title suit in no way condones the demolition of the Babri Masjid. “It was a shameful and criminal act and those responsible for it should be brought to book”, She said. 

She appreciated countrymen for maintaining peace and harmony after after the Allahbad High Court judgment. The Congress President expressed concern over the inflation. She said inflation remained a serious challenge. She said while prices have come down a little there was need bring them down further. While calling for making PDS more effective and efficient, Mrs Gandhi said responsibility also lies on the states. She said even while efforts toward growth have to be maintained , there is need to ensure that the benefits reach the weakest sections of society. 

The Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh also reiterated the government’s commitment to the work for the Aam Aadmi. Government while maintaining the high growth rate has also taken a number of steps for the upliftement of weaker sections, minorities, women and the poor. He appealed to the congress workers to bring the party closer to the Aam Aadmi. 

"Congress works for the weakest sections of the society. Our policy of economic development is for all the sections of the society. Our country has to fight against serious issues like Naxalism and communalism," said PM.