TIA correspondent
NEW DELHI: The Congress has decided not to take any initiative to facilitate reconciliation between the parties involved in the Babri Masjid -Ram Janambhoomi issue, as it does not want to be seen to be taking sides. The party, however, underlined its position that it supports the resolution of the  dispute through a mutual dialogue but if this is not possible, it would abide by the judicial verdict.

“Congress welcomes efforts by the parties concerned with litigation to find an amicable and peaceful settlement” said congress in a statement after the special steering committee meeting on Ayodhya.

The party, however underlined that the verdict is no way condone the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. “It was shameful and criminal act for which the perpetrators must be  brought to justice”, the party said.  

Congress also cautioned that any distortion of the verdict by communal forces would be detrimental to the larger national interest and will cause harm to nation’s mood and desire for peace and harmony.

Congress today also tones down its earlier reaction over the verdict. It said that the party ‘respects’ the judicial process with regard to Babri Masjid -Ram Janambhoomi. On September 30 the party general secretary Janardhan Dwivedi ‘welcomed’ the verdict.