to the few people during police action at Ramlila ground to evacuate Ramdev followers, they were keeping mum over the brutal police killing of  innocent people in NDA ruled Bihar.

Six Muslims including a six-month old infant and a ten-year old boy along with a pregnant woman were killed when police fire at them in Bihar Araria district on June 3.  The local people were opposing the construction of a maize-processing factory and an approach road in the Forbesganj industrial area after which the police resorted to indiscriminate firing. Twenty persons, have also injured in the incident

“We have sympathy with Rajabala who is injured during police action at Ramlila ground. But why the civil society and the opposition are keeping mum over police atrocities in Forbesganj” asked Digvijay singh the general secretary of the congress party. He said while leader of opposition and civil society member are lining up to visit Ramlila injured but none of them even condemned the killing of innocent people in Bihar.

It may be noted that Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar did not even visit to console the victims’ family in Araria. He just announced an inquiry into the incident not even clear who will head the probe and what is the time frame for the probe.

No action has been taken against any administrative or police officials yet. The culprits are moving free without any remorse.

Meanwhile opposition in Bihar has claimed that the Forbesganj police firing was well-planned and a result of a larger conspiracy. It said that Bihar is following the footsteps of Gujarat to kill and terrorize the Muslims by using brutal police forces.

The leaders demanded that the judicial commission should also inquire into the role of Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, BJP MLC Ashok Agarwal and Forbesganj SDO Giriwar Dayal Singh. The leaders also demanded compensation of Rs. 10 lakh and a government job to one member of each family of victims.

LJP Chief Ram Vilas Paswan has alleged that prior to the incident, the Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi had visited Araria district on May 29 and ordered the district administration to block the path used by the villagers for the factory of starch and glucose being set up by BJP MLC Ashok Agarwal, a close to Sushil Kumar Modi.

Paswan, along with Leader of Opposition in Bihar Assembly Abdul Bari Siddiqui and RJD general secretary Ramkripal Yadav said at a a joint press conference after returning from Bhajanpur village of Forbesganj in Araria where six Muslims were killed and several others injured in police firing on June 3.

“The incident horrified the area and snatched the loved ones of the poor families but, leave alone the Chief Minister, neither any minister nor any MLA or MP found time to visit affected village and express the solidarity with victims’ families. What does it mean except that the government is working on BJP’s anti-Muslim agenda?” Siddiqui said.

He said that among those killed were a six-month old infant and a ten-year old boy along with a pregnant woman. “This shows the brutality of the police upon Muslims under NDA government” Siddiqui said.

Ramkripal Yadav said that the party has written to National Human Rights Commission to investigate the firing and look into the involvement of Ashok Agrawal and Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi in the case.