By Philip Mathew

BANGALORE: Human dignity is at the heart of Christian belief but also an ideal of the Indian nation, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, told 3,000 religious leaders here on Thursday.

“My dignity is secured when my neighbor’s is ensured,” he said at the ecumenical gathering organized by the Church of South India Karnataka Central diocese. “We ought to show human reverence to one another.”

Religious groups in India have a responsibility to uphold human dignity, which is an important ideal in the country’s social and political life, the 60-year-old Church leader said.

The guest of honour, Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj, praised Christian contributions to the country, especially in the field of education. He said there is hope for the poor wherever a church exists in India.

Archbishop Williams said at a reception the day before, hosted by Bangalore Catholic archdiocese, that his Church’s relations with the Catholic Church were based on “spiritual ecumenism” which is mutually beneficial.

The archbishop arrived in Bangalore after attending Church and related meetings in Delhi, Nagpur and Chennai.

In Bangalore, he also met with Hindu religious leaders on Oct. 20. Later he told reporters that inter-religious dialogue should take place with respect and mutual understanding to get to the “truth.”

Bangalore is the capital of Karnataka state where Christians have experienced violence from Hindu fundamentalist groups for the past few years.