China has made it clear that the One China policy is non-negotiable and no one can change it. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said, the One China policy is the political foundation of bilateral ties and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

Image result for china flagThe reaction came following President-elect Donald Trump’s statement that the American policy on Taiwan is up for negotiation and that he is not fully committed to it. Questioning the decades-old-policy followed by Washington in its relations with Beijing, Mr Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Friday that everything is under negotiation, including One China.

Without directly referring to Mr Trump, Lu urged the relevant party in the United States to abide by commitments made by previous US governments to the One China policy and the principles of the three joint communiques.

According to state-run Xinhua news agency, Lu urged the US side to properly deal with the Taiwan issue so as to avoid undermining the healthy and steady development of bilateral ties and cooperation in major areas.