navy chinaChina today reacted cautiously over a proposal by the Trump administration for a working-level quadrilateral meeting with India, Japan and Australia, saying Beijing hopes that it would not target or damage a third party’s interest.

The US State Department had said last month that US was looking at a working-level quadrilateral meeting in the near term with India, Japan and Australia and offer countries in the Indo-Pacific region an alternative to predatory financing or unsustainable debt. The proposal was, however, seen by China as an attempt to counter its influence in the region.

Reacting to it, the Chinese Foreign Ministry hoped that such an arrangement will promote mutual trust among countries in the region and not harm its interest.

China hopes the collaboration among relevant countries could comply with the trend of times, which refers to peace, development, and cooperation and shared benefits, and also conform to the prospects of the regions and nations for common security and development,” the ministry said in a written response to a query from news agency in.Beijing.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said earlier that Tokyo would propose a top-level dialogue with the US, India and Australia to promote free trade and defence cooperation across the Indian Ocean.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to bring up the same issue during his meeting with US President Donald Trump who is currently visiting Tokyo. The US President would arrive in Beijing on a three-day visit from November 8.