AMN / NEW DELHI: Centre has sanctioned Rs 2,207 crore for Jammu and Kashmir as special assistance during current financial year to expedite completion of area-specific schemes. This includes over 1093 crore rupees for permanent restoration of damaged structure in the state.

Jammu-KashmirFinance Ministry in a statement said that the Centre has also decided to provide further special assistance of over 1,129 crore rupees to Bihar during 2016-17 for completion of the approved ongoing projects under special plan for Bihar. It said, with this the centre has so far released over 6,934 crore rupees to Bihar. Similarly, the government has used the special assistance to support the newly-formed states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It said, a further release of over 1,976 crore rupees to the state of Andhra Pradesh was made during the current financial year.

The Ministry said, keeping its commitments to support the development of backward areas of Telangana, the central government had provided a further special assistance of 450 crore rupees to the state. An amount of 200 crore rupees was released for Tamil Nadu as special assistance to resolve the issues affecting processing industry in Tirupur for adoption of Zero Liquid Discharge by 18 Common Effluent Treatment Plants.

The Ministry said, special assistance of nearly 368 crore rupees was given to Odisha for funding of projects under special plan for Districts of Koraput, Bolangir and Kalahandi.