Ruling out any politics behind Prime Minister’s announcement of Rs 1.25 lakh crore package for Bihar,  the Centre today hit back at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for their combined attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said Narendra Modi was focusing on the development of the state and the entire eastern India ever since he assumed office last year.

Speaking to reporters in New Delhi, Mr Prasad also rejected doubts expressed by opposition parties over budgetary allocations for the economic revival package, saying the government has factored in everything before making the announcement . He said all people of Bihar are happy over the announcement. Mr Prasad said, it’s a matter of great distress that the Bihar Chief Minister did not say a word of thanks to the Prime Minister for announcing such a big and historic package for Bihar.

Making a common cause against Prime minister, Mr Kejriwal and Mr Nitish Kumar had announced they would fight together for special category status for Bihar and full statehood for Delhi. Mr Prasad categorically said that on-going schemes have not been included under the package. Mr Prasad expressed confidence that package will not in the least hurt the exchequer.