Centre has constituted a cyber cell to check the online abuse and harassment of women and children on social media platforms. Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi told media in New Delhi that her Ministry has taken the decision as it has got several complaints from women. She also clarified that the Ministry will not be policing the internet and it will only examine the complaints.

The move came in the wake of reported increase in abuse or harassment of women on social media. Earlier in the day, Ms. Gandhi met Twitter India team and discussed the empowerment of women and children to deal with abuse, harassment and hateful conduct on social media especially on Twitter.

During the meeting, it was decided that the complaints received by the Ministry, which are of a grave nature, will be reported to Twitter India for necessary action. The Ministry will also be working with the Cyber-crime Cells of the police, wherever required.

Recently, the Women and Child Development Ministry had advised women and children to send their complaints and since then it has been receiving a large number of complaints.