The Calcutta High Court has ordered a CBI probe into the Hanshkhali gangrape and death of a teenager in Nadia district of West Bengal. The court said, in order to have fair investigation in the matter and to instill confidence in the family members of the victim and also in residents of the locality and the state, the investigation should be carried out by the CBI instead of the local police.
A division bench of Justice Prakash Srivastava and Justice Rajarshi Bhardwaj asked the CBI to submit a report on the progress of investigation on May 2, the next date of hearing.
The concerned authorities were also directed to extend full protection to the family members of the victim and witnesses of the case. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday had cast doubts about the details of the gangrape of the 14-year-old girl. Her remarks attracted sharp censure from Opposition parties which called them ‘insensitive’ and ‘unfortunate.’