AMN—-The Bharatiya Janata Party National Executive begun in Bangalore today. Party National President Amit Shah presided over the party office bearers meeting.

Union ministers, various state chief ministers and deputy chief ministers of the party are attending National Executive.

The three-day meeting will discuss and formulate ways to strengthen the party base in the southern states, Assam, West Bengal and Odisha.

This is the first full fledged party national council meeting after its thumping win in 2014 General Elections.

Party General secretary and in charge of Karnataka, Muralidhar Rao said that the meeting will discuss ways to reach out to the people to make them aware of the achievements of the Government.

While addressing a media conference in Bengaluru on Thursday he said the party will adopt an action plan to expand its base in states where the party is weak.

Prime Minister Narendra will address the office bearers of the party in the afternoon session of the National Executive Meeting.

Party spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain told media in Bengaluru on Thursday that the National Executive expressed its happiness for becoming the world’s largest party.

He said the membership has reached almost ten crore and the ongoing membership campaign has been extended up 15th of this month.

On Friday, Prime Minister will address the political Affairs Committee meeting and discuss the achievements of the government, improved relation with the neighbouring countries and about Deen Dayal Upadhyay Birth centenary celebrations.

Elaborate arrangements have been made for it. More than three hundred delegates are participating in the deliberations.

The session has begun in the presence of the party’s top leaders including the party president Amit Shah party old guards L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Union ministers, BJP Chief ministers and state leadership across the country.

Top party leaders will deliberate on a host of issues including the birth centenary celebrations of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, mentor of the party. Security has been tightened in the city.

The Bengaluru police has made tight arrangements in and around Lalit Asohok Hotel, the venue of the meeting and at the National College grounds at Basavana gudi where the Prime Minister will address the public.

Party sources said that all the delegates will be served with traditional Karnataka vegetarian food.