Spanish police said, suspects in Spain’s twin terror attacks had been planning an even bigger assault than the deadly car rampages they carried out.

Josep Lluis Trapero of Catalonia’s police said, the suspects were preparing one or several attacks in Barcelona, and an explosion in Alcanar stopped this as they no longer had the material they needed to commit attacks of an even bigger scope.

He said, after the explosion the suspects quickly went on to commit more rudimentary attacks. These involved the vehicles ploughing into pedestrians in Barcelona and Cambrils, he added.

Police said they shot dead five suspected terrorists who had knocked pedestrians down in the Catalan seaside resort of Cambrils in a second attack in the early hours yesterday, and arrested four others.

Police also said they suspect 12 people of involvement in the attacks- the five who were killed, four who were arrested and three who have been identified but who remain at large.