dhaka terror attack


Five bodies recovered from the restaurant, says RAB


Security forces have launched a commandos operation to flush out IS terrorists who have taken about 30 people hostage in a Dhaka restaurant. Reports say some of the hostages have been rescued during the operation.

Unconfirmed reports suggesting at least 10 of the captives were freed from the Spanish restaurant in Gulshan area where they were interned for over 10 hours.

Witnesses said they counted 13 ambulances coming out of the Gulshan Road No 79, the scene of the hostage episode, visibly carrying wounded hostages.

Bangladesh Army chief General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq, who oversaw the operations launched at 7.30 am local time, left the scene indicating the end of the security clampdown joined by a navy commando squad, paramilitary BGB, elite anti-crime RAB and special police units, reports BSS.

Military jeeps were earlier seen making their ways towards the Holey Artisan restaurant hoisting red flags on their bonnets while a number of armoured personnel carriers (APCs) followed them.

The army boats also patrolled the Gulshan lake beside the restaurant wielding their guns while the other security agencies enforced a sharp vigil in adjacent the outlet visibly to prevent the terrorists from fleeing the scene.

The security forces, however, moved away the journalists from the spot and asked residents in the neighbourhood to stay indoors while people in the area said they heard sounds of explosions and gunshots as the operations began.

The operation was launched after negotiations between security forces and gunmen failed. The gunmen were demanding the release of top Jamat-ul Mujahiddin Bangladesh (JMB)  who have been arrested for targeted killings.

Islamic State terrorists last night took around 30 people hostage, mostly foreigners. At least 9 terrorists barged into the Holey Artisan Bakery, frequented by diplomats and expatriates around 9.20 PM yesterday. Islamic State Group claimed had responsibility for the attack through its Amaq news agency.

A large number of policemen and personal from Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and Border Guards of Bangladesh (BGB) have cordoned off the area. When security forces tried to enter the building earlier, the gunmen hurled grenades at them. Two policemen were killed and more than 50 injured, some of them critically.

Police have rescued two persons who escaped from the restaurant during the attack and took refuge in a nearby house. Police have also detained two employees of the restaurant for questioning. Internet services have been blocked throughout Bangladesh following orders from higher authorities.

India External Affairs Ministry sources in New Delhi said all Indian Embassy officials in Dhaka are safe and they are monitoring the situation and trying to ascertain the details.

Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore has urged the media not to reveal the identities of hostages at Dhaka restaurant. Col. Rathore, in a tweet, said that the media should refrain from identifying nationalities or identities of probable hostages for their safety.

photo Bangla tribune