Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has urged all to keep the bond of communal harmony intact in the country. Greeting Hindus on the eve of the ‘International Hindu Conference’ starting on Friday, Prime Minister Hasina said that Bangladesh is continuing with the policy adopted by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to ensure freedom of people of all religions and communities to practise their respective religions after the liberation of the country. She said that the ruling Awami League is inspired by a non-communal spirit and it upholds the motto ‘religion is for individuals, while festivals are for all.’

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned that her government built all the 352 temples damaged during attacks in 1991-92 including some in Dhaka. She said that the government resolved the problem regarding the location of the Dhakeshwari National Temple and development work worth Taka 10 crore is going on at the temple, reports the official news agency BSS.

Prime Minister Hasina said that the renovation and development of 2351 temples and religious institutions are going on all over the country. The government has allocated Tk 263 crore for this purpose. She said that the renovation and development of 1,600 temples and religious institutions have also been completed.