Our Correspondent / New Delhi

Terming the Babri Masjid as the ‘symbol of the religious identity of Indian Muslims’, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, the India’s prominent Muslim body, today reiterated its resolve to struggle for restoration and reconstruction of historic mosque.

“Struggling for Babri Masjid restoration is the duty of all those who wish to preserve the secular and pluralistic nature of our country”, stressed Jamaat on the 23rd Anniversary of Babri Masjid Demolition.

On the 6th December 1992 the Babri Masjid was demolished by fascist and anti-national forces under the full glare of the security forces and the political establishment.

“6th December 1992 is indeed one of the blackest days in the history of India. On that day a fatal assault was made on humanity, democracy, tolerance and religious freedom. It caused great mental agony to all peace-loving citizens who uphold freedom and rule of law”, it said.

At a press conference Jamaat said that it was greatly perturbed to watch those guilty of the demolition still walking free without being punished for their crimes against the nation. Press conference was addressed by Maulana Sayed Jalaluddin Umari, the Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Hind.

“ Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is hopeful that the judicial verdict will go in favor of Muslims as their claim to the Babri Masjid is just and backed by legal evidence”, .

Jamaat welcomed the stand taken by writers, poets, artists, litterateurs, social activists and intellectuals from all walks of life against the rising intolerance in society. “ This climate of hatred and intolerance has been gaining ground from the parliamentary elections of 2014 till date. Jamaat is extremely concerned at the careless attitude of the Central government towards growing fascism in India and also at the indifference of the political parties whose members are vitiating the atmosphere with their vitriolic statements and hate-speeches”.

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has also strongly condemned the excessive use of force by the European, Russian and American forces in Syria which is resulting in a lot of civilian casualties.

“Jamaat is highly disturbed at the way in which Turkey is being dragged into the war scene with Russia imposing sanctions on Turkey over the shooting down of one of its warplanes violating Turkish airspace. The role of Iran is also not conducive towards peace and stability in the region. Jamaat is strictly against the terrorism of the ISIS and condemns the violence they perpetuate on innocents and the unarmed” jammat said in statement adding that the retaliatory air strikes against ISIS strongholds by the Western powers in Syria are resulting in a lot of civilian casualties in which many women and children are being killed.