Senior BJP leader and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley launched the BJP’s campaign themes with the main slogan being “Phir Ek Baar Modi Sarkar” (Modi government once more). On this occasion, Mr Jaitley said that the first theme of the party campaign will be ‘Kaam Karne Waali Sarkaar’ (a government that works), second theme will be ‘Imaandar Sarkaar’ (honest government) and the third theme will be ‘Bade Faisle Lene Waali Sarkaar’ (government that takes big decisions).

He said that the sub-themes will combine the larger theme of “Phir Ek Baar Modi Sarkar”. Unveiling the party’s campaign materials, Mr Jaitley said the BJP’s campaign themes will talk about honest governance, ability to take major decisions, women’s empowerment and the other welfare measures undertaken by the National Democratic Alliance government in the past five years.