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AMUALIGARH: The Aligarh Muslim University has decided to set up English medium Intermediate Colleges in every district of Uttar Pradesh as a tribute to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, founder of the University, on his bicentennial birth anniversary falling in 2017. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was born on October 17, 1817 in Delhi.

An organizing committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Lt. Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor, AMU.

Gen. Shah has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the 129 years’ old organization, All India Muslim Educational Conference to materialize the dream. This organization was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1886 to promote modern and scientific education among the Muslim masses.

All India Muslim Educational Conference (AIMEC) became a platform for Indian Muslim intelligentsia to mobilize Indian Muslim masses to promote education, especially modern and western education and clear their doubts and misconceptions in this regard. AIMEC was a powerful institution of intellectual awakening and general spread of knowledge amongst the Muslims of India.

Gen. Shah said that the first school will start operating at Village Jaula in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh from the month of August. The process to appoint teachers has already begun.

The Vice Chancellor said that these intermediate colleges will be recognized by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). He asserted that these schools will be secular where students from all religion can study but there will be some reservation for Muslims.

Gen. Shah said that the Sir Syed Education Foundation already runs Aligarh Public School, a CBSE recognized institution in Aligarh. He said that these schools will be based on the pattern of Christian Missionary schools. He said, “We have to empower our students and equip them with good schooling so that they qualify for institutions of higher learning like IITs, IIMs, NDA etc.

Gen. Shah said, “My own experience with my family and friends reveals that young Muslims who have had the benefits of good schooling, found no problem in qualifying for institutions of higher learning”.

The need of the hour is good schools, he added.

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