JAMAAT PRESSStrongly condemning the involvement of Union ministers in student affairs at the Hyderabad Central University leading to the suicide of a Dalit research scholar –Rohith Vemula, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind today extended solidarity with members of civil society and other human rights organizations who are fighting against the forces that perpetuate caste and communal discrimination.

In a statement Jamaat today demanded quick prosecution of those responsible for the tragic incident and supports all demands that call for affirmative action within campuses to protect Dalits and minorities from being harassed at the hands of casteist and communal forces.

“ JIH is deeply concerned at the growing atmosphere of hate against the Dalit community and caste-based polarization in the country. Jamaat feels that the country cannot advance on the path of development as long as there is a sense of insecurity, inequality and discrimination among Dalits, weaker sections and minorities” said Acting President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind – Nusrat Ali  at a press conference.

This issue comprehensively thereby giving fillip to those responsible for Rohith’ssuicide and reinforcing the belief that the government does not care for Dalits and the marginalized.

On the recent controversy around the minority status of AMU and Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) he said that: the U-turn of the Central government in the Supreme Court pertaining to the minority character of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is a negation of a well-known fact that that the AMU was established by the Muslim community to improve its educational status in India. Jamaat expresses serious concern at the government’s position (to deny minority status to AMU) and feels that it is a deliberate neglect of the constitutional rights given to minorities.

JIH urged the government to correct its stand, not to disregard the rightful demand of the country’s largest minority about AMU, and to desist from ignoring their sentiments. An unnecessary dispute is being created and attempts are being made to snatch AMU from the community.

“ Undoubtedly, it will only benefit the country if the management of some universities out of the hundreds of others in the country is left in the hands of Muslims for their educational need. The minority character of AMU cannot be hidden or changed through any misleading argument. JIH is confident that all open-minded and justice-loving citizens will never accept the unjust stand of the government. The government, therefore, should respect the constitutional rights of Muslims like other minorities and refrain from altering the minority character of Aligarh Muslim University” .

Arrest of Muslim youth in name of ISIS

Jamaat expressed skepticism at the recent blanket arrests of Muslim youth on charges of terrorism in different parts of the country. He reminded the Central government and its security agencies that the Prime Minister and the Home Minister both had unequivocally declared that the ISIS does not have any existence in India and Indian Muslims would never fall prey to ISIS propaganda. However, now Muslim youth are being arrested arbitrarily on charges of being associated with the ISIS.

Merely surfing the atrocities committed by the ISIS through the Internet does not make someone guilty. When someone commits a terrorist act, only then can one be held guilty and liable for arrest and punishment Jamaat firmly believes that the recently held Muslim youth have been framed unjustly and would be later acquitted by the courts in the same manner as many Muslim youth who were arrested previously on charges of terrorism but were released subsequently thereby destroying their professional careers and ruining their lives in the prime of their youth.

JIH demands that the Central government should withdraw all charges and immediately release all those Muslim youth who have been arrested without any solid evidence and incarcerated merely on the basis of suspicion.

JIH Suggestions for Union Budget 2016-17

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has sent its suggestions to the Ministry of Finance for the upcoming Union Budget 2016-17. Some of the salient points of the suggestions include:

There must be greater allocation to the social sector. The ever-increasing role of private sector in education and health-care has led to spiral increase in the cost of these services, taking these facilities out of the reach of the common man. These services must be taken out of PPP mode, thereby increasing the government’s role in their development. Jamaat suggests allocation of 6 % GDP on education and 3 % GDP on health-care.