In a significant restructuring at Google, India-born Sundar Pichai has been named the new CEO of the technology giant as the company co-founder Larry Page announced the formation of a new umbrella firm Alphabet, of which Google will be a part. Page, in a blog post, announced the formation of the new parent company Alphabet, of which he will be the CEO and Google co-founder Sergey Brin will be its President. Chennai-born Pichai, has been named CEO of the new Google, which Page said will be a bit slimmed down. Page said that Pichai will be a key part of the new structure that will allow them to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities they have inside Google.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has congratulated Shri Sundar Pichai on being appointed the Chief Executive Officer of Google Inc.

“Congratulations Sundar Pichai. My best wishes for the new role at Google,” the Prime Minister said.