AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa today sworn in for the fifth time as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu amid celebrations among party cadres and supporters all over the state. She returns to power nearly eight months after she was forced to quit over corruption charges. Jayalalithaa took the oath in Tamil in a simple function held at the University of Madras Centenary Auditorium in Chennai.
Twenty-eight other ministers also took oath in a brief ceremony. The 67-year-old AIADMK Chief was administered oath of office and secrecy by Governor K Rosaiah.
The swearing-in ceremony was attended by BJP leaders including Union Minister Pon Radhakrishnan and national office bearer of the party H Raja. Actors Rajinikanth, Sarathkumar and eminent music composer Ilayaraja were among the long list of dignitaries who attended the function.
The Karnataka High Court had recently acquitted Jayalalithaa in the 19-year old Disproportionate Assets case. She stepped down as the Chief Minister in September last year after a trial court convicted and sentenced her to four years in jail in the case.