In an interview to a TV channel, he said that that the underworld don Dawood Ibrahim was living in Karachi and Pakistan must own up to the terrorist and fugitives like him who are on its soil. “What value can be attached to Pakistan’s denial of Dawood Ibrahim being on its soil when it used to say the same thing about Osama Bin Laden”, Chidambaram asked.

Earlier on Monday the United States had filed the chargesheet against five Pakistanis responsible for planning and executing the Mumbai terror attacks in November, 2008.

The chargesheet was filed in a Chicago trial court regarding the conspiracy to bomb public places in India. Those named are: Sajid Mir alias Sajid Majed, Abu Qahafa, Manzhar Iqbal alias Abu Alqama, Lashkar and Major Iqbal of the ISI.

The Indian dossier to Pakistan made it emphatically clear that planning, financing and execution of the Mumbai terror attacks was planned in Pakistan. Two senior LeT commanders whose names figure in the charge sheet were responsible for directing ,training and providing financial and logistic support for carrying Mumbai attack besides providing finances and other logistical support to David Coleman Hadley for conducting surveillance of the targets