Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in the 125th Founder’s Day celebration of ‘The Scindia School’ in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh today. During the programme, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for the ‘Multipurpose sports complex’ in the school and presented the school’s annual awards to distinguished alumni and top achievers.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said that a dutiful person works for the welfare of the coming generations instead of the momentary benefits. Mr. Modi highlighted the two options of working for immediate results or adopting a long-term approach when he assumed the role of Prime Minister of India in 2014. He underlined that the government decided to work with different time bands ranging from 2, 5, 8, 10, 15 and 20 years, and now that the government is close to completing 10 years, multiple pending decisions have been taken with the long-term approach.
Mr. Modi listed the achievements and mentioned the six-decade-old demand to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu & Kashmir, the four-decade-old demand to provide One Rank One Pension to ex-servicemen from the army, the four-decade-old demand for GST and Triple Talaq Law. He also mentioned the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam which was recently passed in the Parliament. He underlined that these pending decisions would have been carried forward to the next generation if not for the present government which strives to create a positive atmosphere for the young generations with no shortage of opportunities.
The Prime Minister said with confidence that the young generation will make India a developed nation in next 25 years. “I trust the youth and their capabilities”, the Prime Minister said and expressed the belief that the youth will accomplish the resolve taken by the nation. He reiterated that the next 25 years are as significant for the students as it is for India.
Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Mangubhai Patel, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Union Ministers Jyotiraditya Scindia, Narendra Singh Tomar and Jitendra Singh were present on the occasion among others.