Railway Minister Ashwani Vaishnav has said that efforts will be made to start the work of railway line from Pushkar to Merta Road in Rajasthan soon. Talking to reporters in Pushkar on Tuesday, he said that the survey of this route has been completed and efforts will be started to prepare its DPR soon. For this, he will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and request him. He said that this demand is very old, it will be fulfilled. During the inspection of rail karkhana in Ajmer, the Railway Minister said that the work of maintenance of Vande Bharat train will be given to the rail karkhana of Ajmer. He said that Ajmer would be connected by Vande Bharat train by May next year. Earlier, while handing over the appointment letters to the youth in the rojgar mela in Ajmer, he said that a new journey of youths life has started. He also gave the mantra of nation first to the youth.