A Delhi court today refused to cancel the bail of Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Yadav on a plea filed by the CBI in the Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) scam.
The court found no specific grounds for denying bail to the leader. However, Special Judge at the CBI, Geetanjali Goel, asked Mr Yadav to be more careful and choose words appropriately while speaking in public.
The CBI had claimed that Mr Yadav, at a recent press conference, had attempted to subvert the process of law and thwart the entire investigation as well as the consequent trial, and blatantly abused the liberty granted to him.
The court passed the directions after hearing arguments during which Bihar Deputy Chief Minister claimed that he did not violate any condition set in the bail granted to him earlier.
On 28th of September, the Judge granted time to Yadav’s counsel to file a response on the application moved by the CBI on 17th of September, seeking cancellation of bail that was granted to him in October 2018.