India’s External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar has called on Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern. In a tweet, Dr Jaishankar said, they discussed deepening the bilateral cooperation through focused engagement in areas of strength. He said, they also agreed on encouraging greater business collaboration and people to people exchanges.

 Both the leaders participated at the Kiwi Indian Hall of Fame Awards 2022 in which they launched the much awaited New Zealand launch of Modi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery. The minister received a traditional Maori welcome at the start of his official engagements.

Earlier in the day, EAM held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Nanaia Mahuta, in Auckland. The leader deliberated on various issues that consisted  of ways through which both countries can strengthen bilateral relationships in the sectors of business, education, technology, digital world, agricultural trade, talent, and most significantly, people to people connect between the two societies.

The Minister discussed issues related to the visas of Indian students whose studies were disrupted due to Covid-19 pandemic and “Urged expeditious visa processing of those desirous of studying in New Zealand now” tweets EAM.