Karnataka minister for Skill Development and Higher Education Dr. C N Ashwath Narayan has said that the redesigned web portal Skill Connect will be launched on July 15th on the day of World Youth Skills Day. The web is promoted by the Skill Development Department of the State Government. Speaking after inaugurating a Job Fair in Kundapura in Udupi district today, the minister said that the redesigned portal will create a bridge between the job aspirants and the employers. He informed that the Government of Karnataka has signed an MoU with NASSCOM to impart skills to suit the Industry requirements. A pact is also signed with Infosys SpringBoard, which has 5000 add-on courses for the students. There are about 1200 ITIs across the state where 1.5 lakh students are accommodated for long term courses and one lakh students for short term courses. There are Government Toolroom and Training Centers in 31 districts across the state.