Cyber experts and officers handling cyber crimes have cautioned the online users to remain alert against the threat of cyber attack from unidentified links and unauthorised websites. The experts were guiding the online users in a webinar on Cyber Security which was organised by Press Information Bureau, Mumbai and Goa on Thursday.
Speaking on this occasion, Indian Police Service officer from Goa Nitin Walsan said that people should not download information from unknown sources, should not click on unidentified links and visit unauthorised websites, which might result in cyber attack on the computer system. He informed that if any user becomes the victim of online financial fraud, the person should immediately call on Helpline No. 1930 and lodge a complaint on www.cybercrime.gov.in
He added that an FIR should be registered at the nearest Police Station and the copy of the FIR should be submitted to the home branch of the bank.
Cyber Expert Ramesh Babu said, cyber crimes are not limited to hacking websites, mails or social media accounts, but there are thousands of malwares such as trojan, phishing and viruses which can affect individuals as well as organisations. He said that the Government of India’s Cyber Cells are creating awareness about the cyber security by organising such webinars.
Superintendent of Police Shobhit Saxsena said that one should always avoid free antivirus softwares and free information without checking the authenticity. Similarly, the online users should make it a habbit to change their pins and password frequently. They should always avoid to use their birth dates or their vehicle numbers as their passwords and should always ensure not to keep the password simple. He also cautioned about the threat of porn sites in terms of monetary loss and reputation and threat of blackmailing and advised not to download free webserials from unknown sites. He also suggested some easy measures like copying the link and pasting it in the wordpad to check any foreign alphabets or characters in the link and this can help to detect the fraudulent link.