Karnataka Chief Minister Basararaj S Bommai has announced weekend curfew in districts bordering Maharashtra and Kerala. Addressing media persons after holding a meeting with experts, the Chief Minister said that owing to the opinion of the experts, the trends in the positivity rate of the viral infection and directions received from the Central Government, it is decided to impose weekend curfew in the border districts of the state in North and South.
He also said that the night curfew being imposed across the state will begin from 9.00 pm instead of 10.00 pm from now onwards and will be effective till 5.00am. The police, he added, have been issued directions to enforce the curfew with conviction. On opening schools in the state, the Chief Minister said that higher secondary level classes will start functioning from August 23. The primary and secondary level classes from first standard to eighth standard will be opened only after monitoring the Covid situation by this month end.