Our Correspondent / New Delhi

Indian Union Muslim League IUML has strongly objected to the statement made by Prime Minister during his reply to the Motion of Thanks regarding the failure of bringing Legislation on Uniform Civil Code by the previous Congress/UPA governments. It has also given adjournment motion notice to the Lok sabha speaker.

IUML has termed Prime Minister Statement as a ‘dangerous move’ by the government.

“As far as implementation of Uniform Civil Code is concerned with regard to Muslim community, this will be a direct intrusion into Shariah, the Muslim Personal Law which is the guiding torch of the community. Since the statement is made by none other than the Prime Minister, the hidden agenda of the government is now out and crystal clear. With the passing of Triple Talaaq Bill, they, in real terms, want to implement the Uniform Civil Code, denying the rights and privileges of the citizens as enshrined in the Constitution” party said in a statement .

PM had castigated the Congress on Uniform Civil Code and Triple Talaaq issues and made the following statement.

“In the 50s, the Congress had option to introduce legislation on ‘Uniform Civil Code but they didn’t. They had another opportunity in the form of the Shah Bano case. It was a classic case of gender equality but they frittered away that opportunity,” said PM modi.

He added that the Congress had another opportunity 35 years later, i.e. in the current session. “There is no need to look at it from any community particular’s point of view,” he said.