Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched various projects worth 60,000 crore rupees at the ground-breaking ceremony here today. The ceremony was held to implement 81 of over 1,000 MoUs signed at the Uttar Pradesh Investors’ Summit organised earlier this year.
The projects are expected to create over 2 lakh jobs. Addressing the ceremony, Mr Modi said, it is an outstanding achievement to get 60,000 crore rupees investments in only 5 months.
The Prime Minister termed the ground-breaking ceremony as a record breaking ceremony. The Prime Minister also lauded the Yogi Adityanath government for maintaining dialogue with investors and creating an atmosphere to convert intent into investment.
Earlier, in his address, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said, under the leadership of Mr Modi, India has become the most attractive Investment destination.
UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said, the state is now among Top 5 in Ease Of Doing Business. He said, his government is committed to providing safety and security not only to investors but also to all the citizens of the state.
Mr Modi yesterday attended the concluding session of the two-day ‘Transforming Urban Landscape’ convention. The event marked the third anniversary of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban); the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation of Urban Transfornation (AMRUT); and the Smart Cities Mission.