Nice terror attack

Photo courtesy; Le Monde


At least 84 people have been killed and many injured as an attacker ploughed an explosive filled lorry into the crowds watching fireworks display on the Bastille Day National holiday at Nice, France, reports Le Monde.

The driver behind the wheel was shot dead by the police and his identification is being established. However, a newsagency reports that the driver was a 31 year old French-Tunisian man.

“According to our information, documents were found in the truck by investigators. They belong to a Tunisian living in France, hitherto known mainly for acts of violence but unknown anti-terrorist services. Checks are underway to ensure that these documents are those of the driver”, writes Le monde.

India strongly condemns terror attack in France

In a televised address, French President Hollande said that the terrorist nature of the attack on Nice cannot be denied.

Mr. Hollande said that, France will always be stronger than the fanatics who want to strike it. He said that the state of emergency is to be extended by three months in the country. It was supposed to end on 26th of this month.

Indian Ambassador in Paris is in touch with the Indian community in Nice. So far, no report of any Indians affected has came. The embassy has also launched a helpline number +33-1-40507070 (Repeat: +33-1-40507070).

Nice attack: Obama condemns’ horrible attack “

The President of the United States Barack Obama strongly condemned Thursday “what appears to be a horrible terrorist attack” in Nice, where at least 84 people in a truck launched at the crowd who attended the fireworks of 14 July.

“We are in solidarity with France, our oldest ally, when she faced this attack,” Obama said in a statement.

The precise US president that he asked his team to be in contact with the French authorities and the United States offered “any assistance they might need to investigate the attack and bring those responsible to justice “sending” thoughts and prayers “to the relatives of the victims.

“With 14-July, we remember (…) democratic values ​​that have made France an inspiration to the world,” he continues. “We know the values ​​of the French Republic will endure long after the tragic and devastating loss of lives,” he concluded.