nigeria suicideAt least 65 people were killed and 150 injured in Tuesday evening suicide bomb attacks at a displaced persons’ camp in Dikwa town of Nigeria’s northeastern region, security sources told media.

“So far, 65 persons have been confirmed killed while 150 were injured from the multiple blasts at the camp,” said one of the sources — who asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

He said the blasts had been carried out by suicide bombers apparently working for the Boko Haram militant group.

Regional spokesman for the country’s relief body, the National Emergency Management Agency, Mohammed Kanar, confirmed the blasts but declined to give further details.

The army has yet to issue a statement on the attack.

Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in a refugee camp. Officials said, a third woman bomber was arrested and has given officials information about other planned bombings that helped them increase security at the camp.

Some 78 people are being treated for wounds from the twin explosions that occurred Tuesday morning in a camp of some 50,000 people driven from their homes by the Boko Haram.