sonia-gandhiCongress President Sonia Gandhi Wednesday came down heavily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his NDA government for ‘non performance’ and also blamed it for ‘total lack of transparency’. She said that the government has become one man show only.

Blaming Prime Minister for running a one-man show at the Centre, Sonia alleged that all powers had been centered around the Prime Minister’s Office with the other ministers having no real authority or control.

Addressing the Lok Sabha, Sonia Gandhi said, “Government is setting out to systematically subvert the functioning of the RTI Act.”

Congress president slamed the current government over not appointing a Chief Information Commissioner and said, “In a blatant U-turn, his (Modi) government, through absence of CIC has made sure that highest offices aren’t accountable under RTI Act. During UPA, the post of CIC was never vacant in the past decade.

The Congress chief also added that the Whistleblowers Protection Act has not been granted Presidential assent, although the government has shown urgency to pass other bills.

“Government has shown a deplorable lack of interest in punishing people responsible for delays in public services. And Madam Speaker, information delayed is information denied. This is simply not acceptable. Govt must match its word of fighting corruption with their actions,” Sonia added.

Sonia particularly hit out at Modi for criticising previous governments on foreign soil. “Abroad our country is being criticised and this has happened for the first time,” said Sonia.

“This outrageous remark on foreign soil belittles the dignity of the office he holds and is an embarrassment to the nation,” Sonia Gandhi said at a Congress party meeting on Wednesday.

“Such petty behavior does not define us. We in the Congress party are proud of our record and we will continue to fight with conviction for our ideology, programmes and policies, and for the future of our country as we always have.”

Addressing the NRIs in Toronto, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said, “My mission is to turn scam India to skill India.” He added: “My job is to ensure that India is cleaned up. It will take time to clean up the mess of the past.”

Earlier Congress president gave a notice for an adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha to discuss the “failure of institutional mechanism” in the country but it was rejected by Speaker Sumitra Mahajan. However, Mahajan allowed the Congress chief to make statement during zero hour.