The High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh Riva Ganguly Das on Monday jointly inaugurated the reconstructed Sree Sree Joykali Matar temple at Natore with the State Minister of ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak.

According to a press release issued by the High Commission of India in Bangladesh, the MoU for the reconstruction of the temple at Lalbazar, Natore was signed in 2016. The Government of India provided a grant assistance of Taka 97 lakh for the reconstruction of the historic temple under its High Impact Community Development Project (HICDP).

Speaking during the online inauguration of the project, High Commissioner Riva Ganguly Das expressed happiness for having supported the renovation of one of the oldest temples of Bangladesh. She said India continues to be a committed partner of Bangladesh in preservation of the shared heritage and culture of the two countries which further strengthens people-to-people relations.

The Sree Sree JoyKali Matar temple is among the oldest temples in Bangladesh. It was built approximately 300 years back in the early 18th century by Shri Dayaram Roy. He was an influential Dewan of Queen Bhahani of Natore and the founder of Dighapatia Royal Family.

The Government of India provides developmental assistance to Bangladesh for the direct benefit of local communities under its High Impact Community Development Projects (HICDPs) scheme. Several projects in the Rajshahi division including construction of Ramakrishna Temple, a two storied Adibasi Shagshoil School and Niamatpur Girls’ Hostel, Small Developments Projects at Rajshahi City Corporation, restoration of Sree Sree Anandomoyee Kali Mata Mandir, construction of ground floor and first floor of Mahiganj Girls’ High School and college etc. have been taken up under this scheme in Bangladesh.