Anyone who would discriminates against minorities in education, employment and housing would have to pay Rs 5 lakh as fine and have to spend three-year in jail.

In fact the government is seriously considering constitution an ‘Equal Opportunity Commission’ (OPC) to protect minority interest.

The Minority Affairs Ministry has already circulated a draft bill in this regard which is likely to be introduced in the Monsoon session of Parliament. According to the draft bill, the commission will be empowered to impose 5 lakh rupees fine and a three-year jail term on anyone who discriminates against minorities in education, employment and housing.

The Commission will also be empowered to slap a fine of 1 lakh rupees per day if the accused does not comply with its rulings. The proposed law will cover all the minorities in the country and has a provision to bring in other social groups within the ambit of the law through gazette notifications.