Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav today described the Dadri incident as a well planed conspiracy by communal forces to take political mileage. He also alleged that three persons of a political party were behind the incident.

Talking to media persons in Lucknow today Mulayam Singh alleged that the same trio was behind the Muzaffarnagar riots. When asked to name the persons Mulayam Singh only replied that the matter was being reviewed and names will come out.

He also said that some forces are trying to break the cordial atmosphere in that state.

Meanwhile, BJP has asked Mulayam Singh Yadav to reveal the name of people who were behind the Dadri lynching incident following his allegation that it was conspired by three persons of a specific party.
BJP leader and Union Minister Mahesh Sharma said if there was any conspiracy behind the incident it was state government’s responsibility to check it but it failed to do so.

He said even now if Samajwadi Party Chief is aware about the culprits, he should come out with the names. When asked whether he has spoken to Prime Minister on the issue, Mr. Sharma admitted it, but denied to reveal the details.