The Tamil community in Sri Lanka is celebrating Thai Pongal with fervour and gaiety. Pongal marks the beginning of the Sun’s journey northwards, when the sun enters the Capricorn, signalling the end of the winter solstice.

AIR correspondent reports, The Tamil Hindu community which numbers upwards of 25 lakh thronged the temples to thank for the abundance of previous year’s harvest and pray for a successful one in the coming year.

They also decorate their homes with kolams which are colourful geometric patterns drawn with rice flour and prepare special foods, such as sweetened rice and milk to offer to the gods.

The second day of the festival is dedicated to cows, which are seen as symbols of wealth and prosperity in Hinduism.

The third day is known as Mattu Pongal. It is a time for families to visit each other and exchange gifts. The fourth and final day is called ‘Kaanum Pongal, and it is a day for relaxation and enjoyment.

While the island nation is making efforts to recover from the economic crisis, the festival of Pongal gives some hope.