Russia suspends airstrikes as Syrian deal takes holdRussia has suspended air operations in Syria under the “cessation of hostilities” agreement, a Russian senior military figure said Saturday.

Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, chief of operations, said airstrikes against Daesh and al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch the Nusra Front would continue but all aircraft had been grounded for now to avoid “possible mistakes”.

Speaking at a news conference in Moscow, Rudskoi said 17 groups had contacted the Russian military to signal their adherence to the agreement that came into effect at midnight Friday local time (2200GMT).

“Russia is fully observing its obligations under the cease-fire,” he said. “But it doesn’t mean that the IS [Daesh] and Jabhat al-Nusra militants can breathe a sigh of relief. The fight against bandit groups considered terrorist by the United Nations will continue.”

Hotlines have been established at the Khmeimim base in Syria’s Latakia province to monitor the cessation of hostilities and coordinate information exchanges with the U.S. military, Rudskoi added.