New Zealand Parliament has voted to ban all types of semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles following the Christchurch attacks.

The bill was approved by 119 members while lone member opposed it. It is expected to become law within the next few days after receiving royal assent from the Governor General.

An amnesty has been imposed so the owners of the weapons can hand them back, followed by a buy-back scheme which could cost up to 200 million New Zealandean dollar.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced changes to the law after 50 people were killed last month by a suspected lone gunman at two mosques in Christchurch.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern acknowledged how Parliament came together to act swiftly, with the bill passing Parliament just 26 days after the attacks.

“We are here as an almost entirely united Parliament. There have been very few occassions, Mr Speaker, in my history when I have seen Parliament come together in this way.

“I cannot imagine circumstances where that is more necessary than it is now.”

ACT Party leader David Seymour said he was opposing the bill, although he did not oppose changes to gun laws.

“However, this bill is not an attempt to improve public safety, it is an exercise in political theatre.”

He said the Order in Council handed down prohibiting military-style semiautomatics made the bill redundant, and he believed the rush to put the bill through the house had in his opinion made the law worse than doing nothing.

National MP Judith Collins said the party wished more could have been done for competition shooters, and she hoped they would be able to tackle that in the second tranche.

However she also backed it strongly, saying it was one of the most important pieces of legislation that would be put through the house.

The amendment bans military style semi-automatic weapons and parts that can be used to assemble prohibited firearms, as well as with some exemptions.

In its report on the bill, the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee said it had considered 13,062 submissions and heard oral evidence from 22 submitters. About 60 percent supported the bill, 26 percent were opposed and 14 percent expressed another view.