The Islamabad High Court on Friday granted former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan protection from arrest for a period of two weeks in the Al-Qadir Trust corruption case and ordered him to be freed on bail. The bail hearing came a day after Pakistan’s Supreme Court invalidated the incarceration of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman, saying that no one could be arrested from inside the court.

The High Court has also instructed authorities to not arrest the Cricketer turned Politician till 17th of May in any case filed against him after 9th of May.

The former Prime Minister was arrested in the case by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) during a court appearance on Tuesday, triggering violent protests between his supporters and the police and paramilitary forces across the country and prompting the government to call out the army to help restore order. More than 2,000 people have been arrested while at least 11 others were killed and dozens injured in the clashes.