Senior BJP leader Ram Madhav has said India, Pakistan and Bangladesh will reunite one day to create what he called Akhand Bharat or an Undivided India.

In an interview to an international news network, he said this can happen without war and through popular consent. Mr. Madhav said the RSS still believes that one day these parts, which have separated for historical reasons, will again come together.

Mr Madhav added that he holds on to this view as a member of the RSS. Meanwhile, Congress has criticized the remarks describing them as propaganda.

“The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) still believes that one day these parts, which have for historical reasons separated only 60 years ago, will again, through popular goodwill, come together and Akhand Bharat will be created,” Ram Madhav said in the interview to international news network Al-Jazeera.

Party spokesperson Ajoy Kumar alleged that the RSS and the BJP have been misleading people of the country just to divert the attention from their failures on various fronts.