CBI raids at office of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s secretaryDelhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has termed CBI’s clarification as a blatant lie and said the agency should have raided the education department and not the Chief Minister’s office. Speaking to media this evening, he said, the CBI was actually looking for a file on Delhi District Cricket Association where there are irregularities.

He said, Arun Jaitley is in the dock in the DDCA files. Kejriwal said, he was about to order a commission of enquiry on the files. He questioned why CBI is not interrogating other officers and the ministers in the Sheila Dikshit government if it wants to know about allocations in 2007.

However, the CBI has reiterated that reports from certain quarters regarding search at Delhi Chief Minister’s office are completely baseless. Speaking to media in New Delhi , CBI spokesperson Devpreeet Singh said from 2007 to 2014 Rajendra Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Delhi Chief Minister, along with 6 other officials have misused their position to award contracts. She said, after obtaining warrant from the competent court, the searches by the agency are in progress in 14 locations in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.

Earlier, the agency conducted searches at the office of the Principal Secretary to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Tuesday. According to CBI sources, a corruption case has been registered against Rajendra Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Delhi Chief Minister on the allegation that he misused his official position to favour a particular firm in getting tenders from various Delhi government departments.