Addressing the valedictory of the golden jubilee celebrations of Darul Uloom Sabeelur Rashad, a premier Arabic College here, he said: “The world needs this knowledge, Muslims also need it. The world is changing rapidly. If we want to live in this world and wish to be successful, the pace of our change should be in tune with the rest of the world.”

“Right to equality as spelled out in Article 14 is the backbone of our Constitution. The government is providing a lot of facilities for the welfare of minorities. They should utilize those facilities but not completely depend on them,” ,he said

Speaking  on the occasion Governor H R Bhardwaj said madrassas have been an integral part of India’s history. “Our grandparents learnt Arabic and Farsee in Madrsa,” he said. He said India has a big heart, and all religions are discharging their duties well. On the question of civil code reform, he said marriage, maintenance, divorce and succession laws varied from religion to religion, and it cannot be imposed without it being acceptable to the community concerned. “Personal laws reflect varied practices of different religions. There should be no objection to personal laws,” he said.

Established in 1960, Dar-ul-Uloom Sabeelur Rashad institute has emerged as the center of Islamic education in South India.