Taliban in Afghanistan, have rejected a call of ceasefire by peace marchers known as the People’s Peace Movement. The PPM said yesterday that the talks had revealed deep differences between the sides.

PPM members set off for a long march from the capital of the southern province of Helmand, Lashkar Gah, to the Taliban-controlled Musa Qala District to personally extend an appeal for a ceasefire.

PPM leader Iqbal Khaibar, who was present at the talks, told a press conference that they discussed ceasefire issues but the Taliban commanders told that they will announce ceasefire once US troops leave Afghanistan.

The PPM gained prominence last year when it started a march to Kabul from Lashkar Gah after its loved ones lost their lives in a bombing.

On the other hand, Talibans have refused to comment on the latest contacts with the PPM. Earlier, they claimed that the PPM was being managed by the US embassy in Kabul and intelligence services.