The Centre has released a further assistance of one thousand crore rupees to Odisha, as announced by Prime Minister yesterday. Earlier, the government had provided 341 crore rupees to the State as an advance to its State Disaster Response Fund.

According to an official release, the National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC), under the Cabinet Secretary P. K. Sinha further reviewed the rescue and relief measures in the cyclone FANI affected areas of Odisha.

Reviewing the relief measures, Cabinet Secretary stressed that Power and Telecommunications in Puri and Bhubaneswar need to be restored on priority basis. He directed to provide adequate number of gen-sets and mobile cellular towers for the restoration efforts.

Odisha government reported that power supply has been restored partially in Bhubaneswar, while a lot of ground still needed to be covered in Puri. Power supply to maintain essential services such as water, health and banking is being provided through Diesel Generator sets. Banking services have started and efforts are being made to operationalize all ATMs.

Centre has also decided to extend the Registration dates of the JEE Advanced examinations by 5 more days up to 14th of this month in the State. Those students who are unable to get internet connectivity, can approach IIT Bhubaneshwar for registration.