In Sudan, protest organisers presented demands including the creation of a civilian government in talks with the military rulers. Thousands of protesters remained encamped outside the Army headquarters in the capital Khartoum to keep up the pressure on a military council that took power after ousting veteran leader Omar al-Bashir on Thursday. According to a statement by the umbrella group leading the protests, the Alliance for Freedom and Change, a 10-member delegation held talks with the military council yesterday.

One of the alliance’s leaders, Omar al-Degier, said in the statement that the demands include restructuring the National Intelligence and Security Service.

The chief of the military council General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan has vowed to dismantle the Bashir’s regime. However, he said the military council will rule the country for up to two years until elections.

Burhan took the oath of office on Friday after his predecessor General Awad Ibn Ouf stepped down just a day after the ouster of President Omar al-Bashir, who had swept to power in a coup in 1989.

The UAE has welcomed the appointment of Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan Abdelrahman as the new head of Sudan’s transitional military council. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation described the development as a “step forward reflecting the ambitions of the brotherly people of Sudan towards security, stability and development.”

“The UAE is following with a great interest this defining moment in Sudan’s modern history and reiterates full trust in the ability of the Sudanese people and their national army to survive the challenges in a way that ensures stability, prosperity and development for the nation,” added the statement.

The UAE reaffirms its support for the steps taken by Sudan’s transitional military council to protect people and property, wishing these steps would ensure security and stability for the sisterly country.”
The statement adds that the UAE wishes all political, factional, popular and military leaders in the Republic of Sudan will work for protecting legitimacy and ensuring a peaceful transfer of power, a better future for the nation and national unity for the people of Sudan. Meanwhile, in a late night directive, UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has directed to communicate with Sudan’s transitional military council to explore the prospects of accelerating aid for the brotherly people of Sudan.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has also expressed its support for the Sudanese people’s views on their future and the measures taken by the Transitional Military Council in the interest of the brotherly Sudanese people. The official news agency of Saudi Arabia said that the Kingdom has declared its support for the steps announced by the Council in preserving the lives and property, and stands by the Sudanese people, and hopes that this will achieve security and stability for brotherly Sudan.