N Korean Central Television has shown footage today of Kim’s sendoff at Pyongyang station as he left for the US-North Korea summit on Wednesday and Thursday in the Vietnamese capital.

The video shows the North Korean leader slowly walking along a red carpet with an honor guard lined up. People are waving pink flowers. After getting on the train, Kim waves back.

His sister, Kim Yo Jong, and a close aide, Kim Yong Chol, are accompanying him.

The train is believed to be on its way to Vietnam, but the details of its actual route are unclear, including whether it passed through the Chinese capital of Beijing.

The national highway from China’s southern border region to Hanoi will reportedly be closed between 6 AM and 2 PM on Tuesday, suggesting Kim’s motorcade may be passing through at that time.

There is speculation that Kim may also use a plane to avoid the heavy security arrangements that would be necessary if he travels all the way to Vietnam by train.

Meanwhile Vietnamese authorities have made all arrangements and tighten security in and around Hanoi ahead of the second US-North Korea summit that starts on Wednesday.

Local police and soldiers are being dispatched to airports, high-end hotels and other parts of the city.

This activity is afoot as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un travels through China to the meeting, although the details of his route are unclear.

Most restaurants and other shops are closed. Local people say the authorities told them to suspend business until the summit ends, citing security concerns.

North Korea’s state-run television has confirmed the country’s leader Kim Jong Un left Pyongyang by train on Saturday, for a summit with the US president in Hanoi.