A United Nations report has revealed that more than 3,800 civilians were killed in 2018 in the conflict between US-led coalition forces and the Taliban in Afghanistan. This is the highest number on record.

According to a United Nations report released today by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Human Rights Office. The report documented 3,804 civilian deaths in 2018. Among the dead were 927 children, the highest recorded number of boys and girls killed in the conflict during a single year.

The report says 7,189 civilians were also wounded in the conflicts. Annual civilian casualties topped 1,000 for the fifth straight year. The figures highlight the worsening security situation in the country.

The world body attributes the increase in civilian deaths to frequent suicide bomb attacks by Islamic State militants.

It says many people have also been killed in air raids or sweeping operations conducted by government forces and US-led multi-national troops.

The US military has conducted military activities in Afghanistan for more than 17 years.

Negotiations are now underway directly between the United States and Taliban in a bid to find a peaceful end to the war. But there is no signs of a truce being reached.